Who Can I Help

Those who are ready to grow, be healed, face their deepest fears, and become their true selves.
I work with entrepreneurs, creators, digital nomads, and those ready to give up limiting beliefs and unlock
limitless possibilities.
People facing life challenges.

If you’re asking yourself, “What does a EFT practitioner do, and do I need one?,” it’s likely that this technic would benefit you. Here are a few more signs:

  1. You have some negative beliefs about yourself
  2. You’re stuck in self-destructive habits
  3. Your inner self-talk is very negative
  4. You are ready to grow and become more confident
  5. You are ready to face you deepest fears
  6. You’ve undergoing a stressful event or experiencing major life changes
  7. You suffer from fear of failure that keeps you from reaching your goals

Recognize yourself? Contact me today and begin the journey to a happier, more confident and fulfilled self.

The Problems I Solve

Bringing negative subconscious programs and beliefs to the surface and hold space to guide you to lovingly release, shift, and reprogramming. Examples of negative subconscious programs:
· Inherited self-sabotaging behaviors
· Anxiety disorder
· Somatic physical Pain
· Phobias and Survival mode
· “I am not enough”
· “I am not safe”


I provide a support framework to guide you to the root cause of your fears, anxiety, limiting behaviors and beliefs. (What people think, comparing yourself to others, perfectionist, etc)
Shifting your ideas and believes about yourself by learning how to lovingly and compassionately talk to yourself
Teaching you to tune into your intuition and learn to trust yourself

Building safety and confidence within yourself
Reclaiming your personal power
Reaching your potential by getting out of your own way
Changing negative patterns and habits into ones that are healthy for you
Physical and emotional relaxation through releasing traumas from your body


Everything you need is inside you. Thus, you are already enough
Loving yourself can start with how you talk to yourself
You can change, and as you change your experience of life changes
The possibilities to manifest are infinite

Offering online EFT/tapping sessions to people all over the world; guiding them through their traumas, negative beliefs, challenging emotions, physical pain, and other sensations along their journey of healing.