
Ekaterina has a natural gift of sensing what a person is going through deep inside, and feeling their energy during the tapping session. This makes it possible for her to intuitively help unlocking (un)conscious problems and work on traumas, also guiding the person gently through the process. After a few sessions I felt being able to let go of some negative patterns, and the session helped me dealing with the feeling of being stuck - for example with locked up emotions.

Martin Gomez Thomsen

I had my first ever EFT session with Ekaterina and was going into the experience a little skeptical. Her presence quickly helped me to relax and open up. I was facing a lot of anxiety caused from work. I haven't had any thing at work triggering my anxiety since our single 30 minute session. I would say it was a lot more effective that what I imagined was possibly.

Otto Lai

At first my goals were centered around motivating myself to get healthier, mentally and physically so that I can be a better partner. But during two sessions I realized the physical release of endorphins from tapping was a major factor in turning negatives into positives. A week later and I am still feeling the effects of Kate's therapy. I am a teacher and I'm waking up earlier, excited to prepare for class everyday. Instead of worrying about finances I am feeling confident about following my instincts moving forward!

Diana Frasier

Thank you Kate for the session! You held space and guided me in healing and loving many parts of myself that had been creating all sorts of self sabotaging behaviors. Thank you for showing me how to have compassion for my parts and working through to accepting them.
Tapping with you released pain that had been making me non functional for weeks.
Grateful to experience your gifts!


I had two sessions with Ekaterina and they were really helpful to leave behind some stuff I was holding on to. During her sessions she will guide you through the realms of your mind and after them you will feel lighter for sure. Highly recommended!

Recognize yourself here? Contact me today and begin the journey to a happier, more confident and fulfilled self.

Offering online EFT/tapping sessions to people all over the world; guiding them through their traumas, negative beliefs, challenging emotions, physical pain, and other sensations along their journey of healing.